Carolina Benitez, Sarah Davidson, Ryan Grover, HaeAhn Kwon, Colin Miner, Emmanuel Osahor, Dana Slijboom, Alex Tedlie-Stursberg, Soft Turns, SUM, Susannah van der Zaag, Laurence Veri, and Allanah Vokes. Curated by Daniel Griffin Hunt & Emma Welch
The Plumb, Toronto
March 12 - April 8, 2021

BLOOMDOOMROOM is an exhibition about flowering, fruiting, ecological fall-out, late stage environmental capitalism and art at the end of days.

Exhibition text  available here

Diapause, watercolour, ink, graphite and pencil crayon on paper, 8.75 x 12 in, 2020

Fixation, watercolour, ink, and pencil crayon on paper, 8.5 x 12.25 in, 2021

Moss Perch, watercolour, ink, graphite and pencil crayon on paper, 8.75 x 12 in, 2020

Split, watercolour, ink, and pencil crayon on paper, 8.5 x 8 in, 2020

Blurred, watercolour, ink, and pencil crayon on paper, 9 x 11.75 in, 2021

SUM artist publication was designed and produced by Brennan Kelly in conjunction with the exhibition, with contributions by: Cookie Brunel, Sarah Davidson, HaeAhn Paul Kwon Kajander, Shannon Garden-Smith, Graham Landin, Lucas Regazzi, Mohammad Rezaei, Sonja Ratkay, Alex Tedlie-Stursberg, Connor Willumsen. Full colour print on salmon newsprint, 16 pages, edition of 200.